Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who’ve Lived the Longest.
Qigong is a brilliant practice to help you live a longer and healthier life...
We all inhabit this beautiful blue planet, breathe the same air, eat food grown on our world’s surface and drink fresh water sourced from the Earth, yet some people are much healthier than others, and in fact, live decades longer.
These are people who live in what has become known as ‘Blue Zones’ and we can learn a lot from their way of life. Remarkably, the average person’s life expectancy could increase by 10-12 years by adopting a Blue Zones lifestyle.
We will be looking at Healthy daily habits and Practice with Qigong to help you live a longer AND Healthier life.
Numbers are limited to 15 so please book a call and/or read more on this link
The concept of blue zones grew out of the demographic work of Gianni Pes and Michael Poulain, who identified Sardinia’s Nuoro province as the region with the highest concentration of male centenarians in the world. Five geographic areas where people live, statistically, the longes are sprinkled across the planet and include villages in Greece, Costa Rica, Italy, Japan, and California.
People who live in the ‘Blue Zones’ live in different parts of the world, but their lifestyles have some key things in common.
Here are some tips for living a longer, healthier, happier life:
1. Move more
Movement is part of their daily life and rituals. They live in environments that nudge them into moving without thinking.
Whether you are gardening, walking or cooking, or doing other chores, natural movement will help improve your health.
2. Know Your Purpose
People in Blue Zones tend to have a strong sense of their life purpose, known as ‘ikigai’ in Okinawa or ‘plan de vida’ in Nicoya, which loosely translates to ‘why I wake up in the morning.’
Knowing your sense of purpose is worth up to seven years of extra life expectancy. – Dan Buettner
3. Clear Stress
Stress is a major cause of disease and unhappiness in the world today. It leads to chronic inflammation, associated with every major age-related disease. Stress is a part of daily life and even people living in the Blue Zones experience stress, but it’s how they manage it that makes all the difference.
Creating Health and Happiness
We have much to learn from cultures that live in more direct contact with the land and nature. In today’s fast paced world of conveniences, machinery, cars, and cities, we must get back to a slower, simpler and more wholesome way of life if we are to live a fulfilling and purposeful existence.
On our Qigong Retreat this Autumn Sept 29th --October 6th in Sardinia (my homeland)...
(Early bird until end 30th June , get 10% off the price)
Numbers are limited to 15 so please book a call and/or read more on this link
👉 Some of the benefits of this 4,000 year old Energy Practice .
☀️ Clearing stress with the Qigong Self healing form.
☀️ Reconnecting with Yourself/Your purpose
☀️ Feeling more grounded , supported & centred.
☀️ More inspired, Mental Clarity & Inner Peace.
☀️ Improving Relationships with yourself & others.
☀️ Improving sleep & digestion.
☀️ Optimising your Immune System.
☀️ Feeling Re charged & Rejuvenated as you Connect to the Energy/Qi of Nature and the world around you .