Corporate Testimonials

“My team felt energised, relaxed and great after the workshop. I felt like I had a new team.”

Hugh Foden, Executive Director with Cummins Engine company, (A Fortune 500 Company.)


“It was awesome. Alessandro is an amazing practitioner. I experienced a true healing with Alessandro.

Before the treatment I was tired and low energy, but as he proceeded the session, I began to feel relaxed, energised and a lightness of body. By the end of the session I felt 100% better and was able to remain active throughout the day.

If you are on a healing path or just need an energetic boost I would recommend Alessandro.”


“When we were done, I was a new man! Thank you Alessandro! You are amazing! I really enjoyed it, and will recommend you to everybody I know..”


“It’s so amazing Alessandro, for years I’ve struggled with this, never for one minute thinking that it could be so easy and pain free to stop and have decent sleep.

I’ve not used, or had to use any medical sleep aid, so it’s been pure natural sleep.The quality of sleep is also much better.

I feel like I’ve slept properly and can actually concentrate more and can think straight. It feels almost miraculous. I wake feeling refreshed and even if I’ve woken early, I feel like I can think and concentrate effectively.

From such a simple technique, such monumental changes. Thank you Alessandro.”


“The alignment of my spine was becoming a serious issue with my spinal muscles and I was becoming increasingly less responsive to other modalities.

The sessions give my spine extra support/stability and improved alignment. The muscles “wake up” and function better. I feel relaxed and rejuvenated and generally calmer, with a clearer mind.’’
